Walks on Vatersay
The island is rich in wildlife and there are wonderful walks on Vatersay, in particular a demanding Heritage Trail of approximately 4 miles which takes 3 hours to complete. A leaflet with details of the walk is available from the Tourist Information Centre In Castlebay. The walk is rated easy to medium and is boggy in places, so wear appropriate footwear.
The route is as follows:
1. Start at the car park across the road from the ‘Annie Jane' monument.
2. Go through the gate across from the car park and across the grassy area (Machair) to the Annie Jane monument
3. Go left and south along the beach to its end.
4. Go up the hill to Dun Vatersay. In this area are the remains of several Bronze age sites, including a Kerbed Burial Cairn and the scant remains of the Dun (fort). The walk itself has marker posts for assistance.
5. Proceed down the hill in a southerly direction towards the ruins of Vatersay House.
6. Follow the marker posts and go past another burial cairn along to a standing stone.
7. Proceed down to South beach taking in the views to the islands.
8. Go along to the end of the beach and then go up the hill at the end. You have an option here to go down to the disused village of Eorisdale by going down the left hand side of the valley.
9. Proceed due north until you come to the large bay called Vatersay Bay and then walk along the beach until you get back to the car park where you started.